Timeline Borderless Consulting


Project in Nepal

Project for sustainble waste management and production of electricity, gas, fertilizer and recycling, 3 – 5 star hotels, 1 Hydropower 128MW


Project Rostelekom and MTS

Network roolout of 4G ifor Rostelekom and MTS


Project Optimization & Roll out

Network swap rollout and fiber, Saudi Arabia


Project Software development

Project software development for banking senctor


Project Optimation and aplication development

Network optimization and aplications rollout, front end and back end office


Project for Logistics

Logistics dveloment for mail carrier for full tracking and delivery


Project in banking

Project for banking for regulation and optimazation of transactional and VAR


Project of development for retailTimeline 1 Heading

Project of development for retail


Project of optimaztion of content telco sector

Project of optimazation of content telco sector, optimised bandwith for streaming and downloading of content


Project network roll out Asia

Project network roll out Asia, fiber and wireless network


Project for devices roll out

Project for devices roll and development of systems


Project Huawei network rollout

Project Huawei network rollout, wireless, fiber and IPTV for Orange, Vodafone and Telefonica


Project Orange network roll out and datadentres

Project Orange network roll out and datadentres, roll out of sawp 3G to 4G in Spain continent and Islands also fiber IPTV and devlopment of aplications and systems and build up of 3 datacentres and full migration of 1 datacentre


Project of build up datacentres

Project of build up datacentres migration of 5 datacentres into 1 from a multinational tobacco company.

2008 – 2006

Project of build up datacentre

Project of build up datacentre for multinational company in industry sector, over 44.000 servers and more then 700 aplications and network ethernet and fiber rollout


Project of consulting for development and networks

Project of consulting for development of aplications and networks optimization


Project of build up NOC centre

Project of build up NOC centre , develpment of aplications, networks and maintenance of operations and datacentre

2003 – 2000

Project for development of banking aplications

Project for development of banking aplications, development, regulate, optmize, transactional and frontand back office build and build up of VAR

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